Innovation in
Every Iteration

Pushing boundaries, one project at a time.

Hi, I'm Michael 👋, Software Developer, Wielder of Frameworks

In 2012, I began my journey into software development, and it's been a rewarding adventure ever since. I started with the .Net framework and Angular, consistently delivering solid and efficient solutions. Alongside these, TypeScript has been a valuable tool, ensuring my code is both reliable and well-structured.

Recently, my interest has expanded into the realm of artificial intelligence, particularly leveraging tools like the ChatGPT API and LangChain. This has allowed me to delve deeper into the capabilities of AI-driven solutions, enhancing my software development skills. In addition to this, I've been exploring the capabilities of Next.js, ensuring I stay updated with the latest trends in web app development. Outside of coding, I have a genuine passion for 3D modeling and design as a hobby, blending the precision of technology with the freedom of artistic expression.

Through every endeavor, my aim is to deliver excellence and make a lasting impression on the world.

My Journey So Far...


AI Chat \w Automated Agents


Accomplish more with AI and extensible services

An AI-driven chatbot enhanced by the 'langchain' framework, with services that can be expanded through agents. Presently, the available services include 'web searching' and 'simple math calculator'.


SaaS AI content generation platform

Kalaido is a SaaS platform that uses AI to generate content for your project. It's like having a team of writers/designers at your disposal 24/7.


An e-commerce platform for small businesses

Commersify is an e-commerce platform that allows small businesses create their own online store in minutes.

Full Stack
Responsive Design
Public API
Content Upload
Dark Mode


An e-commerce front-end for shoppers

A consumer-facing portal, offering a seamless shopping experience for users. It integrates with the main platform, allowing shoppers to browse products, make purchases, and manage their orders with ease.

Watch movies and TV shows online

EpicFlix is a streaming service that allows you to watch movies and TV shows online.

Full Stack
Responsive Design
Server State Management



A campground reservation app

CampSite is a campground reservation app that allows you to book a campsite online.

Full Stack
Responsive Design
Vectors and icons from SVG Repo and Lucide Icons
Images generated with StableDiffusion
Header Image From Unsplash